Coast to Coast Ride

Thursday, July 19, 2007

July 19 Day 49 Mora 38 miles
Flatter terrain. Some headwind. More trees, less cultivation. Michele insists that she sensed a change in the land within an hour after crossing the Red River into Minnesota. For my part, I have trouble finding anything to say about the land because it has all looked about the same to me for several days. I passed much of the morning singing "The Ballad of the Green Berets" as I pedaled. My companions want to cover more miles, more miles! The spacing of the next towns compelled them to acknowledge the benefit of taking a short day and stopping at Mora. Mora is a very attractive town of about 3,000 that capitalizes on links to Swedish heritage. The Kenebec County Fair is on so we'll go watch the draft horse pull this evening. Mora was founded by a gentleman who platted the town, served as city attorney, and treasurer. After he eventually absconded with the town treasury, it was discovered that he had done in his first wife, embezzled funds from the wife's family business, fled to Canada, changed his name. He was eventually discovered in nebraska, where he had done in a second wife.


At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all,

Well -- I thought I had lost you. I wasn't finding ANY of the towns you mentioned in Minnesota. But aha ! -- I've found uyou now in Mora!

For a minute, when I saw the picture of the sea lion bobbing in the water, I thought maybe you had doubled back to CA. But then on closer inspection, I realized it was Roy bobbing in the water!

I'm amazed that you are able to see the Tour de France on TV! I've got it tuned in downstairs as I write this. They are getting ready to head into the Pyrenees, which will be very gruelling. Speaking of which -- when I talk to people about The Ride here, everyone wonders how you got over the Rockies. And so do I, for that matter. Perhaps there are some passages along the northern route that you took.

Congratulations on crossing over the Mississippi River watershed. This for you must be another big milestone (like the Rockies).

The stories of folks and events along the way are wonderful!

Best to all,


At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jerry,

was good to meet you and your crew the other day. i've read through your blog and it seems like you are having a really great time - more relaxed and fun than what i'm doing for sure. i had a great night camping on an island in the middle of the mississippi river and reached minneapolis safely. it's funny to see that picture you did of me, i will send you the one i took - it turned out really great! keep the rubber on the ground and pedal hard. it's not that much further to the coast!


At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Jerry, Michele and Roy:
Just tuned in again after a week plus of my own adventures...I saw you peddling diligently along when i flew overhead!
Reports of a few head wind days? Thought you would only get tail winds going East. Must be global warming!
Love the pictures. Have you voted yet on the favorite town to date?
About the time you were entering N Dakota, I met someone on the plane originally from there and recently a town, county or perhaps state wide had a contest for best saying to attract of the contenders was come smell our "Dairy Air" did you?

Keep the wonderful reports coming.



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