Coast to Coast Ride

Monday, August 06, 2007

August 6 Day 67 Wallaceburg, Ontario 50 miles

There was inexplicably a live peacock on the road today. Update on the roadkill count. Michigan is the dead porcupine state. Also opossums and raccoons. Minnesota was the frog state.

Ferry ride across the St. Clair River at Marine City to Ontario. Lunch along the river. It`s a national holiday (Midsummer day), so not much is open. Excellent milkshake at the ice cream store in Wallaceburg.

Aman is the wonderful young lady who permitted me to use her brand-new computer to update the blog.


At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to our country! We hope they treat you well.

Paula and David W.

At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all,

As far as I can tell, everything seems on track for a link-up around the time you will be crossing the Hudson River which, judging from the latest predictions, will (hopefully) be somewhere in the interval Tuesday morning August 21st to Friday morning August 24th (by which time I will have to be heading back to DC).

I have the cell phone numbers for Jerry and Michelle. I tried sending a text message to both a few days ago, but have gotten no reply .... so maybe your phones aren't text-message-enabled??

I will try calling the cell phones soon after I arrive in the US -- probably towards the end of next week (Friday or Saturday) -- to make sure that I can at least call you via my cell phone. What would be the best time to try, so I don't just get voice mail ??

Í think it's important that cell phone contact be established, because it will be VERY (!) difficult to locate you otherwise!

What, by the way, would be the best time of day for a linkup? Early in the morning somewhere for breakfast, before you start the day's ride? Do you stop somewhere for mid-day lunch or ice cream? I'm flexible!

I have asked Roy to give me your (possibly changing) expected routing from Syracuse to your crossing point on the Hudson. That would help planning on my end!

It will be amazing, and wonderful(!), if we can make this linkup work -- you guys all the way from California, and me from France, trying to locate you in somewhere eastern New York!

I am so looking forward to it !!!!


At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sounds like you are having a good time! I went to see you and Melinda a few weeks ago and heard you were on this trip. When you get back give me a call.

Robert Woolley


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