Coast to Coast Ride

Sunday, April 01, 2012

As usual, the photos are out of order.

After we crossed the pass, we rolled onto New Mexico. The landscape changed from desert to grazing land.

Family memories go way back here.
We had two climbs: 1600 feet and 2300 feet. Smaller slopes raised the total climb for the day to 4300 feet. Jerry and Steve part way up. I like the landscape.

The sign advertises "Cool Stuff". Looked like rubbish to me.

We made the top!
Jerry riding near Three Way.

We lost an hour to the time change. Due to the long ride, the long climb, we didn't make Buckhorn until nearly dark. Buckhorn has an off-sale liquor store/pizza place and an RV park. We ate a pizza, then proceeded another hundred yards in the dark to the RV park. We had some trouble finding the entrance in the dark. We set up our tents, had showers, and went to bed.


At 7:54 AM, Blogger Kathy Doering said...

Hi Jerry and Michele! I am really enjoying the pictures and blog you post!! What an adventure. I promised Michele I would write and tell her about the Cinderella ride. We started out around 8 in the morning. Seven miles in it started to rain and then pour. It also hailed. We got to the lunch stop and people were shivering and many quit riding. My friends and I toughed it out and finished. Luckily I had good rain gear. I didn't see anyone from the Harbor Bay Club. Never rode in such harsh conditions. The wind was tough, even at the end of the ride through the suburbs. Enjoy your great trip. Thanks for keeping us all informed. I'll be checking in to keep updated on your experience, photos, and stories! Safe travels.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Michele, thanks for the blog link - what an adventure you are on - love the pictures - especially the off the main road little businesses and towns - I'm following you on the map as you make your way across Arizona. Susie


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