June 13 Dayville to Austin Junction 59 miles 6:06 riding time
For 45 miles, we had a long slow ascent. At Prairie City, we had to make a choice. We could stay in Prairie City only at the cost of having three substantial climbs over 66 miles to Baker City the next day. The only stopping point between Prairie City and Baker City is Austin Junction. Austin Junction consists of a cafe/store/gas station at a "Y". The owners will let bicyclists camp behind the store if the owners are around. We already knew that (a) it was Wednesday and (b) the owners close up on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. But maybe they'll be there. There is zero cell phone service in Prairie City, but the ranger station called on the land line - nobody home. Well, maybe the owners will be there later. We decided to go for it. Dixie Pass is a 2000 foot climb in eight miles on top of 1000 feet over the first 45 miles. Sweet is my lover's kiss, but more welcome by far is the cooling touch of the wind on my wet back as we grind up the hill. We coasted down to Austin Junction. Nobody home but the guard dog! Not even a hose faucet for water! Roy reconnoitered while Michele and I grumbled at each other. Roy came back to report a nearby trail into the woods to a spot suitable for camping and a stream. We threw down our sleeping bags, boiled some water. Roy had a freeze-dried lasagna dinner which we served spooned onto slices of sandwich bread, followed by something labeled freeze-dried "chocolate decadence cheesecake" by some liar. Good stuff.
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