Coast to Coast Ride

Sunday, May 13, 2012


We had good riding today. The roads were quiet; many people were at home or at church I guess. Sixteen miles were on a rail-to-trail bike path. Steve rode along with a group of students from the University of Florida for a time and talked with them. Back in Texas, at some campground, we camped with Rutger Meyer, a U of F student who was pedalling from Florida to Austin. Some of these students knew Rutger. Small world!

We pulled into Palatka early enough to have a chance to examine the historic section. Many of the old buildings have murals on them. Michele encountered a fine grasshopper with red legs and a yellow racing stripe. Statues venerate the soldiers and sailors of WWI and celebrate the chivalry of the Confederate soldiers. We enjoyed milkshakes at Florida's oldest diner(1932).

One way or another, we'll be finished tomorrow. We repacked our stuff tonight so that we can conveniently keep one pannier for luggage and send everything else home by UPS.

Below: cooking our raviolis in camp; a bayou; the grasshopper; Michele and Steve on the road; the road; a mural celebrating some connection with Billy Graham; our milkshakes.


At 9:03 PM, Blogger Margee said...

Congratulations on completing your ride! I enjoyed following along with you in your postings and pictures. I hope the remainder of your trip is uneventful (no more flats!) and enjoyable.

Michele, we've all missed you at the bird joint and look forward to your return! Have you a date in mind? I can't wait to hear your stories!



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