Coast to Coast Ride

Sunday, February 26, 2012

We rode Old Mines Road south from Livermore on Saturday with Pepi. As we waited for Pepi, two women cyclists approached to ask if we had a spare inner tube so they could repair their flat. We did, but way too big a tube for their skinny tires. Just then, Pepi arrived. I asked if she had a spare inner tube. Pepi, assuming that these two women were riding with us, said sure and gave them a tube. They finished changing the tube and rode off. I'm not sure they even thanked Pepi. Pepi had to go to the bike shop to buy a new tube along with some other equipment.

We were all strong riding out Old Mines Road. I think we had some tailwind. Since we were off to a somewhat late start, we decided to go only as far as the top of the ridge, 25 miles out, instead of riding to the Junction Cafe, another five miles farther with a substantial hill. We were worried that there might not be enough daylight to go the whole way, especially if we had a flat along the way. We had lunch at the top, then turned around to come back. That nice tailwind on the long climb up turned into a freezing blast going down! It'll be April before I stop shivering.


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